The Portage between BWCA Entry Point 8 and the Moose River
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Portaging Direction: From BWCA Entry Point 8 parking lot to the Moose River

Parking lot on south side of the road. The portage landing is just right of the bulletin board, heading down toward that culvert.
About 75 feet from the parking lot to the river.

A great landing to get you off to a good start.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: MOOSE RIVER
Portaging Direction: From the Moose River to BWCA Entry Point 8 parking lot
 The entire portage is from here to that car.
About 4 rods, mostly uphill...
 The parking lot is on both side of Forest Road 464.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: BWCA ENTRY POINT 8
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