Portage between Fay Lake and the Chub River and surrounding area
Length in Rods: About 40 rods Date portage was last visited: June 14, 2020
Portage Rating: Rugged  

The Unmarked Portage between Fay Lake and the Chub River

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Portaging Direction: From Fay Lake to Chub River

Chub-Fay-Portage 1
This is the portage landing on the Fay Lake end of this trail. This portage is not marked on the map. You find this by going up the small channel that extends from the east end of Fay Lake in the northeast corner. It is just a short paddle up this channel to the portage landing. This is one of two ways to Flying Lake. The other way is to go up through Glee Lake and then Bingshick Lake. Then portage from Bingshick Lake into the Chub River. That is the longer route, but it is marked. The 87 rod portage shown on maps (as of 2020) that goes directly from Fay Lake to Flying Lake does not seem to exist. If you go to that spot, there is a faint trail, but it dies out soon and is covered with deadfall.

This unmarked portage travels along an overgrown trail. The trail has occasional deadfall to hop over. While overgrown, it is easy enough to follow. The entire trail is maybe 40 rods give or take. Soon the portage enters a forested area that was spared by the recent fires and becomes shady. There was a good supply of mosquitos, which really like shady spots. Towards the end of the route, you come to a small creek (which is actually the Chub River) which you must cross. This Chub River crossing is at the base of a large beaver dam that goes right through the forest. The beaver dam holds back a sizeable pond that has flooded and killed several hundred trees. An interesting landscape. After crossing the Chub River, go to the left of the beaver dam and to the edge of the pond. You have to walk along an angled slope of rock here. You can decide where you want to put your canoe in along the slope. (The video ends here.) Once back in the water, you paddle through the dead forest (to the east) out into the main part of the Chub River, which is not far. From there you can go north to Bingshick Lake (over a short, straight uphill portage that now has a small creek/waterfall running through it) or south to Flying Lake (over a short portage that is generally miserable). Pick your poison.

Chub-Fay-Portage 2
The dead forest of drowned trees. This place would be creepy if it was dark and foggy out. Mosquitos like it here a lot. The slope is on the left side of your view. Just put into the water whereever seems easiest. You will have to pick your way through the drowned forest.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: CHUB RIVER

Portaging Direction: From Chub River to Fay Lake

Do not have portage data in this direction.

Chub-Fay-Portage 3
Fay Lake end of the unmarked portage. Nothing noteworthy about the portage landing. Follow this channel to the left out into the main part of Fay Lake.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: FAY LAKE

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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